1. Let us say that cosmonaut Ijon Tichy has encountered a space-time-anomaly which traps him into a boundless, infinite space that luckily contains an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere. The anomaly also instantly duplicates a countably infinite number of Tichys into the space, and alters their metabolisms in such a way that they don't require most nutrients and they don't age. Additionally, the ambient lighting in the space imbues the Tichys with instant teleportation abilities (within the anomaly only) as well as telepathy, so that any logistical problems in arranging them can be ignored. Now, while the Tichys don't require most nutrients, they do have to consume food for one thing: energy. Luckily, the human body has lots of available biochemical energy, and there are countably infinite bodies in the space. Each Tichy also has a cheap Swiss army knife replica, which astonishigly never dulls within this anomaly. The Tichys therefore need a fresh Tichy corpse now and then to eat (flesh does decay in this space due to internal bacteria). To be fair, they arrange so that whenever they get hungry, each Tichy stabs another Tichy simultaneously (mediated via the telepathy group-mind). Those that were not stabbed are left alive to eat the flesh of their prey. a) Show that the Tichys can, if they're smart, maintain this cycle so that an infinite number of Tichys live forever in this space. b) Show that the Tichys also can, if they're not so smart, arrange the killings to occur in such a way that not one of them lives for very long. (Simply not killing other Tichys for food doesn't count.) 2. Just as he is stabbed, Tichy #4588731 comes up with the idea that they don't have to resort to full-body cannibalism, but perhaps only take some blood off of another Tichy every once in a while. Sadly, he didn't have time to communicate the specifics of the idea through telepathy before he died. a) Show that all the Tichys could, in fact, survive indefinitely by drinking other Tichys' blood. Assume conservation of energy. It may simplify a bit to note that every Tichy needs not get blood on every round, but should they miss one, they will be hungry and require nourishment on the following round. b) Show that this method also can be badly managed to the detriment of all the Tichys. Assume conservation of energy.